EG.5 변이의 초기 위험 평가

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EG.5 변이의 초기 위험 평가

SARS COV2 variant EG.5: Initial Risk Evaluation | 9 August 2023


EG.5 is a descendent lineage of XBB.1.9.2, which has the same spike amino acid profile as XBB.1.5. EG.5 was first reported on 17 February 2023 and designated as a variant under monitoring (VUM) on 19 July 2023. With this risk evaluation, we are designating EG.5 and its sub-lineages as a variant of interest (VOI). 


As of 7 August 2023, 7354 sequences of EG.5 have been submitted to GISAID from 51 countries. The largest portion of EG.5 sequences are from China (30.6%, 2247 sequences). The other countries with at least 100 sequences are the United States of America (18.4%, 1356 sequences), the Republic of Korea (14.1%, 1040 sequences), Japan (11.1%, 814 sequences), Canada (5.3%, 392 sequences), Australia (2.1%, 158 sequences), Singapore (2.1%, 154 sequences), the United Kingdom (2.0%, 150 sequences), France (1.6%,119 sequences), Portugal (1.6%, 115 sequences), and Spain (1.5%, 107 sequences).


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